Feb 9, 2010

10 weeks to go! Give or take a few days:)

Well, I am at 30 weeks, and my heart is so full today just thinking about what God has been teaching Adam and I through this pregnancy. For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to be a mom...on more than one occasion I have literally felt my heart ache with love for children I haven't even had yet. Now that our first child is a reality, I frequently find myself overwhelmed with emotion I didn't know I had. I love this little boy so much, and I haven't even met him yet.

If my love for Jackson is only a mere fraction of Christ's love for me...then I am truly loved in a way that I will never fully comprehend. I am absolutely blown away by this. Today at a bible study I attend the lyrics of a song we sang have been resonating with me all day. Here is the last verse:

No guilt in life, no fear in death,
This is the power of Christ in me;
From life's first cry to final breath.
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home,
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand

 As I was singing, I just became emotional (which is not uncommon for me- pregnant or not!).  Nothing can separate me from the love of Christ. NOTHING can pluck me from his hand. Additionally, Jesus is in complete control of Jackson's life, from his first cry to his final breath, Christ is taking care of my son. I know it won't be easy to be parents, but Adam and I do know that ultimately, Christ is in control, and we are not. Additionally, Christ loves Jackson more than we ever could.

Phew...heavy stuff..I know! Moving on..we had our first shower this weekend with family! And it went great! Opening the gifts is still very surreal for me. I keep thinking, "This shower can't be for me!" Oh but it is...and in just a few weeks Jackson will be here to wear the clothes we got, and use the gifts I opened!

Here are a couple of belly shots, and a few pictures from the shower. I'll put more pictures on Facebook later. Anyway, I hope you know that Jesus loves you more than you will ever understand. Please keep praying for Adam, Jackson and I. Have a blessed day!

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