Jan 5, 2010

24/ 25 weeks

Phew! We are home from travelling a total of about 3 weeks! It was great! But we are SO glad to be home. We started out travelling to Bham to celebrate Christmas with my immediate family. There, we visited both sets of my grandparents. Then, we came home for the Christmas Eve service here at our church in Dothan. The service was AWESOME by the way! And then we left for Mobile, where we celebrated Christmas with Adam's family, including his Dad, his Granny, and his mom's side of the family. After Mobile, we went to Disney with my parents for a few days!! Adam and I LOVE Disney. The walking was absolutely exhausting, but suprisingly, I was able and allowed to ride more rides than I thought I would be able to! If you are on Facebook, I put up several pictures of our travels on there.

As far as the pregnancy goes, Jackson and I are doing so well!! His movements are getting stronger, and for the most part, he moves all the time!! It is so unbelievable for me and Adam to feel him move. Sometimes I catch myself smiling, or even laughing when he's doing his kicking!!

At night, sleeping has become quite difficult! No matter how many pillows I've added to the bed, I still wake up several times because either my back hurts, my hips hurt, or I have to go potty! BUT I am not complaining, I know it could be much worse, and thankfully, I've never required that much sleep.

Also, I have my glucose screening test next Monday morning. I'm not really worried about that test at all. My only concern is that I was told not to eat from midnight before until after the test is completed at 9:30 the next morning! I about died when the Dr. told me that!! I mean come on, I'm  hungry ALL THE TIME! And especially in the morning! Oh goodness...well please pray that my hunger supernaturally holds off that morning until after the test is completed. And you should also probably pray that I pass the test as well, haha. Maybe something's off if I'm more concerned about not eating than passing the test:)

This weekend, Adam and I will be cleaning out what will be the nursery!! I am so excited! I have no clue where we will store everything, but I guess it will work out. The next weekend, we are going to register, and buy baby bedding! I've been looking at what seems like a gazillion different beddings, and I can't make up my mind! Hopefully we will pick out something soon!

Anyway, I took several pictures of me at 24 and 25 weeks to make up for the missing post this past week:) Enjoy...Jackson sure is growing!

24 ish weeks

25 ish weeks


  1. love the new pics! you are beautiful!

  2. The drink is not so bad. I had fruit punch, but the waiting to eat and have my coffee... that was horrible! I will say a special prayer for you. : )

  3. Love that you are finally home pretty Mama! Isn't it about time for the nesting to start? Or maybe you have been doing that :). Can't wait for your shower!

    Love You
