- My awesome husband and I went on a date to get Sushi. We LOVE sushi. Especially deep friend and drizzled in a sweet soy sauce glaze....yumm!

- I had a bit of a sore throat about a week ago. Thankfully we are friends with a doctor in town, and he lets us come in the back door. He gave me some medicine for my throat...and he gave Jackson this:
Right after we left the doctor, I had to run in to a store and pick up something. When I went to get Jackson out of the car, he started freaking out. Naturally, I thought he just didn't want to get out. But oh no, he wanted his new friend, and wouldn't get out of the car without him. :) We creatively named him, "Cat", and Jackson has been loving on him ever since.
- Adam went to a leadership conference in Atlanta for a few days. Jackson and I missed him terribly. Every couple of hours Jackson would start calling out for his "Dadeeee!" and looking all through the house. Then when he wouldn't find him, he would find a picture of him and carry that picture through the house. Then he would find my phone and bring me the phone saying "Dadeeeee", so I would call him. To say we missed him, would be an understatement! While he was gone Jackson and I sent him these pictures:
And I had to send him this picture. If you look closely, you'll see that Jackson fell asleep with Cat literally on top of his face. :) He loves that cat...almost as much as his daddy :)
- After Adam got home from Atlanta, he set up a date for us. It was awesome. Here's a hint of what we did:
Guesses anyone?! My sweet, thoughtful, awesome, husband paid for us to take horseback riding lessons, just me and him! It was awesome really. When we got there, we were shown how to groom the horses, and make sure they were cleaned and ready to be ridden. We then learned how to saddle them up and put their bridle in their mouths. Then we learned how to ride them, including how to get them to turn, turn around, walk, trot, stop etc. Once we learned all of that, we were able to take them through the woods on a trail. For this lesson we had a teacher, but the goal is for us to be able to arrive and get our horses, and ride them through whichever trails we want. We decided we would do it once a month. Honestly, it was so much fun, and so great for us to be able to learn something new together!
Eating toast and jelly. :)
Hope everyone is having a great week!